1347A sexy political drama about a man who's blamed for a crime he didn't do. Will justice be ever served to small people like him?绯闻女孩 第二季
1145It's the second semester of Junior year, and Gossip Girl is leaving no stone unturned in her effort to control the scandalous lives of Manhattan's eli怒犯天条
632枢密主教为改善天主教予人的刻板印象,锐意改革,宣称在百年庆典时走进新泽西教堂大门即得豁免所有罪行。遭贬斥的死亡天使卢克(Matt Damon 饰)与守护天使巴特比(Ben Affleck 饰)认为可借此机会返回天堂。遂前往新泽西,沿路惩罚人类罪行大开杀戒。与此同时,天使长曼德川下界找到耶稣后人——堕